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Healthy lunch on the road

Today I had my first day of eating in my car as my two home visits for NDIA participants are fairly close to each other. I would realistically have around 45 minutes in between my two clients. Long enough to drive to my next appointment and eat in my own car, but not long enough to drop into the shops. Packing lunch would also saved me some money and lot less stress to find a place to buy my lunch. So I packed lunch for myself while I did for my children.

lunch on the go

So what did I actually ended up packing when I don't have much in the fridge?

1. One peanut butter cacao sandwich (I used Helgas mixed grain bread and Mayver's peanut butter with cacao)

2. One packet of Roasted Fava beans fro the Happy Snack Company

3. Leftover baby Roma tomato (around 6)

4. One small avocado

5. Large water bottle

I thought it wasn't too bad considering I had literally 3 minutes to get ready. So the basic principle is to include some low glycaemic index foods, low fat protein, a serve of fruit and vegetable (okay - technically tomato is a fruit, but it is a vegetable for culinary purposes). The only thing that would make my day is a nice cup of green tea but I would have to wait until I get home.


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